
Quote 1
Pg. 67 paragraph 2
“From that day on, kien avoided her. If their paths accidentally crossed, kien would bend his head and weakly mumble”
Answer to question 1.
This quote shows a theme related to wandering. Kien wasn’t being unloyal to anyone specific he felt as if he was being unloyal to himself. He felt as if the incident between him and hanh was inappropriate and not right. But he liked hanh so he was unsure and confused.
Answer to question 3
The conflict this quote indicates is between kien and hanh. The conflict they have is about communication and letting their feelings affect what’s going on between them. Kien was shocked from what happened and quickly let his feelings get a hold of him. He didn’t know how to talk to hanh or what to say which made him extremely nervous wich is why he couldn’t look hanh in the face.

Quote 2
Pg. 67 paragraph 4
“”There’s something I want to tell you” she said. The words lingered with him for years”
Answer to question 3
The conflict in the quote is between kien and himself. Kien regret not listing to what hanh had to say. He would be a little more at peace than he is now if he would’ve. He let nervousness get the best of him and let love slip right through his fingers.
Answer to question 5
This quote connects with contemporary issues. Everyone has had a regretful moment where they wish they wouldn’t have let being nervous take over them. It’s happens everyday and has happened to everyone. Everyone has had a moment where they let something important slide through there fingers  as well.


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