a lesson before dying : reflection

The novel "a lesson before dying" is about a man named Jefferson being in the wrong place at the wrong time, which leads to him going to jail and sentenced to be executed. while being sentenced he was called everything that he wasn't. Such as boy and hog. His grandmother ,miss Emma, insisted that Jefferson dies with dignity so she asked her friend, Tante Lou, if her nephew , Grant Wiggins, could teach him and educate Jefferson on the strong and dignified man he is before his is executed. grant really didn't want anything to do with Jefferson but, for the sake of miss Emma he did.
This novel sets an emotional tone in this book once grant and Jefferson actually come together. Grant sees no potential in Jefferson due to the way of how Jefferson feel about himself.
Jefferson was constantly called a hog by white men and soon enough he started to believe. It worsened when Jefferson at one point started to act as if he were a hog. Even though Grant could've , he didn't give up on Jefferson and continued to work with him and educate him on the strong black man he is. They begin to form a brotherly relationship in which the novel revolves around.
  this novel touches subjects that society today is scared or uncomfortable to talk about. It shows how an African American is mistreated no matter if he /she is guilty or not. It shows how much we as African Americans have to put up with and go through just to stay alive in the world we live in. This novel was a book the taught many lessons and discussed many eye opening situation that people are unaware of. this novel explains the everyday lifestyle of an average black man and what experiences black man go through just for being black. With that being said, the novel a lesson before dying is a very interesting book and good book.


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